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Supporting Your Child with Reading

The Importance of Reading

'Children who never have a story read to them, who never hear words that rhyme, who never imagine fighting with dragons or marrying a prince, have the odds overwhelmingly against them.'
Maryanne Wolf


Early Reading and Phonics


How to Say the Sounds



Year 1 Phonics Screening Check

  • All Year 1 children sit the screening check in June each year.
  • Children are given 40 words to decode and read.
  • These 40 words include real and ‘alien’ words.
  • Children must identify the sounds in the word and blend them together accurately.
  • In previous years, the pass mark has been 32/40.



Phonics Screening Check Example

Children practice these words regularly during class time and will often have them sent home to practice with you.  Children are used to seeing and reading alien words. 

Example 1:1 Reading Strategies

Watch the videos below to see Mr Perry reading at home with his children.  Here he demonstrates how parents can support their children whilst reading together. 

Developing Fluency


Developing Comprehension


Reading at Home, Celebrated at School

  • Reading diaries are completed sharing reading and support children’s discussions about reading in class.
  • Reading days are celebrated in every class using a reward chart and certificates.
  • Daily reading – recorded in reading records regularly. Aim for 5 a week.
  • Your child’s reading vs story time – both can be recorded in diaries






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Username and passwords are available from your child's class teacher. 


Top Tips for Reading





Top Tips for Storytimes


1. Make it a treat

2. Make it a special quiet time

3. Show curiosity

4. Read a story once without stopping

5. Chat about the story

6. Avoid testing questions

7. Link to other stories and experiences

8. Read favourites over and over again

9. Use different voices

10. Love the book - talk about what you loved most

10 Things Your Child Learns When You Share in Reading Stories and Poems

1. Sustain attention

2. Appreciate rhythm and rhyme

3. Build pictures in their minds from the words on the page

4. Understand humour, irony and sarcasm

5. Use new words and phrases in different contexts - and later in writing

6. Learn new vocabulary and knowledge of the world

7. Think about characters' feelings and use appropriate voices

8. Follow a plot with all its twists and turns

9. Understand suspense and predict what's about to happen next.

10. Link sentences and ideas from one passage to the next,