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To understand and consider the processes changing the world and the impact of people on it.   


The Cherry Orchard Primary School Geography curriculum is designed to broaden children’s knowledge and their awareness of both their local area and the wider world. Our aim is for the children to develop a genuine interest in the subject and a real sense of curiosity about the world and the people who live there.  We want to foster a love of learning for Geography, as the children build knowledge and gain skills through practical activities, fieldwork and studying the local area. Closely linked to the UN sustainable development goals, the curriculum is designed to ensure that teaching equips pupils with knowledge about diverse places, people, resources and natural and human environments, together with a deep understanding of the earth’s key physical and human processes, enabling them to think as a Geographer and understand their effect on Our Planet. 


The Geography curriculum is driven by key questions. It is implemented through well planned, sequenced and appropriately resourced sessions. Children learn using high quality resources relevant to the lesson in an exciting atmosphere of discovery.   

Geography lessons are a blend of practical sessions, discussion and research giving children the opportunity to explore, investigate and comprehend concepts and themes. Their growing understanding of geographical skills allows the children to develop their knowledge of the world we live in. This is done through retrieval tasks, the checking of learning and a focus upon frequently visited themes woven throughout the curriculum. These strategies are utilised to plan delivery of the curriculum effectively and help children retain learned knowledge. The weekly lessons deliver these units of work which build upon previous learning experiences and are supplemented by both field work using our extensive grounds and trips in the local area (for example to the banks of the River Severn). 


This delivery of both knowledge and skills will allow children to be intrigued by the wider world and enlightened by their knowledge of both the physical and human features of Geography, as well gaining an understanding of the Sustainable Development Goals and their own impact on the world around them. Children will be confident geographers who are capable and able, in their utilisation of geographical skills, to use these to develop their own learning.