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Evergreen (Using iPads to Support Learning)

Evergreen will provide every Rivers pupil in Years 3 and above with a tablet device to use in school and for home learning. Additionally, devices will be available to pupils in Reception to Year 2 to use when appropriate within the school day. 

Evergreen in action

Technology is part of everyday life and is rapidly evolving. We want to ensure that our pupils can utilise technology to maximise their love of learning and live safely within an ever-changing digital world. This video shares the vision and value of Evergreen for The Rivers CofE Academy and our family of schools.

Why are we doing this? 

Our Evergreen vision is to teach children to love, learn, live as global citizens in an ever-changing digital world.  

We are committed to preparing children with the skills to continuously grow whilst equipping them with the knowledge to be digitally literate and safe. 


Our goal is to nurture a love for learning in every child by providing an engaging curriculum, the latest digital tools and resources and creating inspiring learning opportunities. We are committed to equal opportunities and removing barriers to ensure all pupils can access learning and succeed in their education. 


We celebrate each child's uniqueness. By utilising technology to learn, we can personalise their experiences, celebrate their strengths, and address their needs. We aim to fuel pupil's imagination and curiosity and enable children to become independent learners, giving teachers more time for targeted support and instant feedback. 


We want to empower our pupils to live wisely and be responsible and respectful contributors to the digital world. We teach our children to make informed choices around digital living, be mindful of what they share, understand how to protect themselves from critical issues and look after their digital wellbeing. 


Evergreen Showcase event